Soakwell Installation Mistakes

Poor installation of soakwells can potentially cause damage to your residence. Improper installation may lead to inadequate drainage, which can result in water pooling around your property’s foundation. This can potentially lead to erosion, flooding, and even structural damage over time.   Introduction Proper drainage is crucial for safeguarding your residence from water-related issues. Soakwells, […]

Cracked Walls

Cracked Walls and Poor Soakwell Installation: Causes, Consequences, and Remedies   Introduction: Cracking walls and poor soakwell installation are two distinct yet interconnected issues that often plague structures, both residential and commercial. Cracking walls can be a visible manifestation of underlying structural problems, sometimes exacerbated by poor installation of drainage systems like soakwells. This essay […]

Level out your back yard without disturbing your neighbors boundaries

A beautifully leveled backyard can be a dream come true, offering a versatile outdoor space for various activities and relaxation. However, the challenge arises when you want to achieve this goal without encroaching on your neighbors’ boundaries. Respecting property lines and maintaining good neighborly relations are essential considerations. In this article, we will explore practical […]

Pool Installation and stabilisation

Using chemical grout injection can be vital in guaranteeing a pool’s enduring stability. In this article, we’ll explore pool stabilisation complexities. The need for chemical grout injection during a pool installation will depend on the specific conditions of the site and the recommendations of a geotechnical engineer or a qualified pool construction professional. Chemical grout […]

Safety guidelines for Micro-fine chemical grout injection

The successful execution of micro-fine chemical grout injection projects relies not only on technical expertise but also on strict adherence to safety guidelines.   Is Micro-fine chemical grout injection harmful? Micro-fine grout injection, like any construction material, should be handled and used according to the manufacturer’s instructions and proper safety protocols. While the components of […]

How to install a basement in Perth

To install a basement in Perth, you will need to follow the local building regulations and obtain necessary permits. It’s recommended to consult with a local contractor or architectural firm experienced in basement construction for proper planning and execution. They can guide you through the process and ensure everything is done correctly and safely.   […]

Impact on vegetation and environmental preservation

Chemical grout injection is a well-established technique used for soil stabilisation, waterproofing, and structural support in construction and civil engineering projects. One of the concerns frequently raised is the potential impact on trees and vegetation in the vicinity of grout injection sites. While some argue that chemical grout injection poses minimal risk to these plants, […]

How Can I Tell If My Home Needs Underpinning?


About Foundational Underpinning As a homeowner, it is important to be aware of any structural issues that may arise in your property. In order to keep the roof over your head safe and sound it is necessary to have a good idea of the structural integrity of your building. If you begin to see cracks […]

Soil Stabilisation and Retention System Explained

What Is Soil Stabilisation & Retention Systems? Soil stabilisation and retention refer to techniques and methods used to improve the strength and stability of the soil, particularly in construction projects where the soil needs to support structures, roads or other heavy loads.  At CGI Solutions, we have vast experience in ground improvements. As experts in […]

The Different Types Of Footings Commonly Used In Australia

The Importance Of Footings When it comes to building, getting the design of the foundations right from the beginning is arguably one of the most critical aspects to your design because it can either make or break your building.   A strong foundation is required for a building to stand and survive for generations to come. […]

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